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Government Of Assam Department of Tribal Affairs (Plain) Directorate of Tribal Affairs (Plain)

Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan (SCA to TSP)

Tribal Sub-Plan (SCA to TSP)-It is a Central Earmarked Scheme. Family Oriented Income Generating Scheme (FOIGS) is implemented to cover the BPL ST(P) families of the state under the scheme inputs like Power Tiller, Tractor, Financial Grants of Rs.25,000/- to individual beneficiaries are provided for their income generation as well as for self employment. This scheme implemented to create self employment among the Tribal people with an aim to eradicate poverty. Fund under this scheme is provided by the Govt. of India as 100% grant-in-aid, as special central assistance to SC.

SCA to TSP.1.21 MBswf-image
Special Care